Puppy PreSchool is back! Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Check out our video!
Puppy PreSchool
The primary purpose of this class is socialization and is for puppies between approximately 7 and 12 weeks of age at the start of class. Puppies will also learn the foundations of training. Puppies must have been dewormed and have their first round of puppy shots 10 days prior to their first class. Puppies can start class as soon as they meet those requirements - no waiting weeks for a class to start.
Early puppyhood is a critical time for socialization and learning. Puppy PreSchool class is the single most important thing you can do to help your puppy reach his full potential! That’s why this is a modular/open enrollment class you can start any time.
The class includes a one-hour orientation (done online at home) and four one-hour socialization classes with puppies at our training center. Classes are Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and you can register by clicking here: Puppy PreSchool Registration
Cost is $140 and includes:
One-hour Online Orientation
4 puppy socialization and training classes
4 videos that prepare you for class
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certification Program
You will not receive access to the videos until we’ve received payment AND a copy of your puppy’s vaccination and deworming records. Get those to us right away so you’ll have time to watch your videos!
Some fun pics from puppy class…
Why is getting your puppy used to new things, people and other dogs so important?
Check out these articles from other professionals.
Dogs Who Attended Puppy Class are More Trainable
Socializing your puppy, why later is too late.