Heather Adams, KPA CTP, CBATI
Heather with Jack, Jilly Bean, and Leo
I enjoy life with my husband and 4 dogs. We love to hike, camp, canoe, and compete in agility and sheep herding. Check out the slide show below to see some of our adventures.
I graduated from the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training and Behavior in 2008. Since then I’ve had the great joy of helping hundreds of families enjoy their dogs more by making sure they actually listen! It’s been very rewarding along the way.
I love teaching both dogs and people in our programs that help families with things like jumping, pulling on the leash and coming when they’re called…and even fun agility classes to help families teach their dogs to pay more attention to them.
Our agility classes are perfect for families that want to join in for fun, but we’ve got serious competitors that love our classes too. My continuing education is now highly focused on agility with some of the best trainers in the world, so I can bring the latest and greatest techniques and training to my agility students.
I believe it's important to be a great dog trainer, but it's just as important to be a great teacher. After all, my job is to teach you how to train your dog. I'm a graduate of the Teacher Certification Program at the University at Buffalo and have practical experience teaching biology and science to all age groups, in addition to over 14 years teaching people how to train their dogs.
I also believe the best teachers are life long learners. And the best part is, there is always something new to learn to keep life fun and interesting! My mission is to bring my passion for dog training and teaching people together, to help you bring out the best in your dog.