Get Your Dog to Listen!
Most everyone that contacts us says they “just want their dog to listen.”
We can help, contact us today!
customized training for both ends of the leash!
We have several different programs from which to choose depending on your preferences! The biggest difference between our programs is how much time we spend together. The more time we have together, the more reliable your dog will be in lots of situations, giving you extra freedom around distractions and when your dog is off leash! Read about each program below!
Lessons can be in person or online, you get free access to our training videos, and our same great one-on-one coaching either way! Not sure about how to do private lessons online? No problem, it’s as easy as using your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and we can walk you through it.
Program 1: Essential Dog
Right now your dog is jumping on people, grabbing food off the counter, barking at the window, not coming when they’re called from the yard, and sometimes just generally being a pain around the house.
Imagine that after a few short lessons your dog is listening to you, has manners around the house, and is so much more fun to live with!
You can finally have people over again and you won’t be on your toes, apologizing for your dog’s selective hearing!
This program is perfect for families whose dogs need some help with listening skills around the house. This program is typically accomplished in about 6 lessons.
Program 2: Peach on a Leash
Your dog is dragging you down the street and pulling your arms out of your sockets! Your dog ignores you when they’re busy sniffing something, see a squirrel or another dog. They need exercise, but it’s not fun taking them for a walk.
And what about at home? It will be incredible when your dog relaxes on their bed while you’re busy with chores or eating dinner. Imagine them enjoying the back yard without barking. Picture all your shoes and socks or your kids’ toys safe from your dog’s destructive teeth! You won’t have to constantly supervise your dog around the house because you can trust them to be good.
After this program, your dog will calmly walk by your side, ignoring pesky squirrels, dogs and whatever gross thing they find, so that you can finally enjoy a nice walk with your best bud! Your dog will listen to you at home, in the yard and when you’re out and about on leash. He’ll be a peach on a leash!
This program is perfect for families that want their dogs to listen better around the house, but would also love the freedom of their dog listening around more distractions. This program is typically accomplished in about 10 lessons.
Program 3: Go Everywhere Do Anything
You keep your dog on leash ALL the time for fear they won’t come back or strangers will get knocked over. You want a dog that listens at home, but you also want to be able to take your dog more places. Wouldn’t it be fun to take your dog when you visit friends and family, travel, or go camping? Are you an outdoorsy person that would love to let your dog enjoy the outdoors off-leash, knowing they will come back to you no matter what?
Whichever it is, your dog will be well behaved around the house, politely greet new people and dogs, listen to you when they’re off leash, and come when called no matter what. Spending time with your dog will be easy and enjoyable!
This program is for the family who wants that go everywhere and do everything dog, but is not quite sure how to achieve it. You need a long term game plan that keeps you on the path of achieving all your goals without continued costs! This program is typically accomplished in about 3 months with weekly lessons.